Thursday, 3 February 2011

Bila ak berfalsafah....

Tonight is rather boring...
so ak decide to do something..
because ak xleh tido...hahaha..
so ak pun telah mengutip balik dan mengumpulkan segala bnda yang telah ak tulis kat fb ak..
mcm kata2 hikmah la...falsafah gitu...cehwahh...dah macam perawi hadith..kah3...

So these are the things that I thought when I got bored:

~Kenangan itu ada indah ada pahit...tapi itulah hakikat sebuah kenangan...Segar bugar di dalam ingatan selagi hayat dikandung badan(KamaKairuu,2011)

~Kebangkitan rakyat di Tunisia dan Mesir...Moralnya,pemimpin jangan rasa dirinya berkuasa dan menzalimi rakyat,kerana rakyat mampu menggulingkan pemimpin tersebut...renung2kanlah..(2011)

~Pandangan mata itu kadangkala membahayakan...(2011)

~We can't assure that there is still a light to cover the darkness for tomorrow..(2011)

~Kadang2 ak tertanya2 adakah ak adil pada sahabat2ku malah pada diriku sendiri...Renungan sejenak... by day as this feet brought me anywhere...I saw many things...and I viewed them differently...The perspectives were wide as I opened these eyes...Subhanallah, He capable of doing everything with his might...May He keeps giving me this feel...O Allah the Almighty...Alhamdulillah...All praise to You...(2011)

~If and only if you can read what my inner self said...(2011)

~You were 'yesterday' for me as it is 'today' coz i don't see any 'tomorrow' with you...~S.o.r.r.y~(2011)

~yesterday was a nightmare,today is the reality and tomorrow is hope...(2011)

~We'll never know what's inside one's mind...(2011)

Whatever we do, always ask ourself, Is He satisfy?...(2011)

~Berkata ustaz abu hisyam,"baru 20...mase masih panjang lagi...xyah pkir2 pasal calon lagi."ak melihat solah lalu tersenyum.(kuwe,2011)

All in all, yang last 2 betol2 happened to me...when I and Solah Nasir(my collegue) at the surau..hahaha...Itu betul2 bkan cobaan...hehe..^.^

Anyway that is all I want to share for now...

Last word: Remember Allah always...


2.33 a.m.