Sunday 11 April 2010

ENgLisH CAmP 2010

I'm BacK....
witH tiRed anD lAzyNess....
bcoZ assGnmEntS sTIll waItinG for ME...
to FIniSH thEM....
LDV and PJ...
Hmmmmm...what to do....juz hoping i can finish it....

welL lEt ME stOry a LittlE biT aboUt ENGLISH CAMP...
ACtuAlly.....BolEH taHan La....
Njoy A liTTle bit....ha3....
But The MOsT thinG i Njoyed was SCHOOL VISIT>>>>
It was really2 Xciting...
the SchOOl atmOSphere...
with the KId ran And Ran whiLe shoutiNG our NAme....

LuckILy...It was JuSt a VIsit....
wE were Not there to tEach...
bcOz we coUldn't TEaCH yet...
ILMU X CUKUP....ha3....
whatEver It was> was A nICe xPOsUre to us... a teAcheR to Be....
so we CouLd underStanD the ScHool EnvIronmeNT weLL...
aND get PrePAreD....

ThEre wEre 2 StudEnts which I rEMeMberEd theiR names...
TenGku HAnif, a staNdaRt 6 boy who really smart and
caN commUniCAte WelL in ENGlish...
I m A bit jeLOus of HIm....
COz he CAn speaK English In thAt agE...
ComPAred to me...
The OthEr one IS TERRY...
an INdiAn boy...
Very aCtive standart 2 boy...
weAring A SpectacleS and VeRY good In EnglisH...
The Word Of shY is not in hiS miND....
ThaT the Way TeRRY is...

SMK LA SALLE always iN My MEmory....


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